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Qizzle: Back to School


Content Marketing & Motion Design

Qizzle is a family and Kiwi-owned provider of stationery supplies, primarily to the educational sector. They take great pride in providing of the tools of creativity, curiosity and learning to young minds. Qizzle wanted to create a bit of brand awareness through online video to help elevate their presence within the stationary market.


I was tasked to design and animate two explainer videos to help build their brand awareness, and to promote one of their online product solutions, 'Schoolpacks'. The result, a short-form video that informs and educates audiences on how easy Schoolpacks makes school stationery shopping for parents.

One month after the Qizzle Schoopacks video launched, sales jumped up by 40% with 1.1M impressions with 400K views.

My role: concept, art direction, animation

Qizzle: Schoolpacks

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